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Missions' Adventures

Hey friends,


I am getting so pumped for the missions’ trip that God is allowing me to go on. Jennifer and I, along with Crystal Koller from our church and five others from a couple of other churches, are only ten days away from heading off on this adventure.


I would love it if you would pray with and for us. My hope is that every person that attends the conference that we will be serving at will experience some type of healing from Jesus.


Maybe that will be physical healing. Maybe relational healing. Maybe it will be emotional healing or spiritual healing. Whatever Jesus wants to do, I want to see it come to fulfillment.


So, please pray.


For the first week, we will be serving the Alliance international workers in Indonesia. We will get to hear their stories and struggles, their successes and celebrations.  We will get to minister to their kids. We will get to lead them in worship of Jesus. We will open God’s Word and point to the unfathomable love and presence of Christ in their lives.


The second and third weeks will be spent with Paul & Chantelle and Darren & Minako. We want to encourage them and support them. We also want to see how we can bring more teams of people to come and be a blessing to them. Pray that we will see what we need to see and be able to process how ACC might grow deeper in our connection and commitment to them.


Pray for safety for us. We have 13 flights in total. Please pray that our transportation goes well.


Pray for unity and love on our team so that we will be able to serve out of the overflow of Christ’s presence among us.


Thank you for joining with us on this journey. I am looking forward to sharing with you all that God showed us and did in and through us on the trip.


This Sunday, we will be starting a brand-new series called “One On One”. It will be a series focusing on personal encounters that Jesus had with different individuals. I know it is going to be a great way to connect deeper with Christ as we see how wonderfully He connects with us.


I hope you have a great weekend, and we will see you on Sunday.


I love being your pastor.


Pastor Tim