give give

We are a giving church.

As God has first given to us, so we give back to Him a portion of what we've received, all with extravagant generosity. 

Funds given to Alliance Community Church (ACC) support the local church by:

  • financing the costs of the ministries operated in-house at ACC
  • financing our compassion outreach into the town and surrounding area (Mercy Connect)

Funds given to ACC support the international church by:

  • sending 10% of all General donations given to ACC to the international workers of Alliance Canada (Global Advance)
  • supporting the work of the ACC Global Missions Ministry
  • supporting 3 specific international missions with a monthly financial commitment

Ways to give:


Send you donation to All donations will be directed to the General Fund unless specified in the message portion of your e-transfer form.


Give by credit card through Rebel Give, an online giving option specifically designed for churches. You are able to create an account for reoccurring or one-time donations.



Offering envelopes can be dropped off on Sunday mornings or during office hours in the white mailbox at the front door to the church.

If you need assistance giving or if you have questions and would like more information about how to give, please visit us during office hours, call us at 403-887-8811, or email us at