ministries Global Missions Ministries

Meet Our International Partners

The McIvers 


Paul and Chantelle have been serving in Malaysia for several years, before that they served in Africa.  They work with what is considered to be one of the most persecuted peoples in the world, the Rohingya people.   There are over 100,000 Rohingya refugees living in Malaysia. These are people with no status and no rights, which means it is illegal for them to work.  Children are not welcome in Malaysian schools and health care is only provided for them out of their own expense. 

Paul and Chantelle seek to bring the gospel to them by stepping in and helping in various ways to give them a brighter future. 

Paul seeks to employ men by providing work in his shop where they build furniture, climbing walls, and other projects.

Chantelle reaches out to young first time pregnant moms who have little to no education. She and her team meet with these women to educate and prepare them in this new phase of life and to love them and to support them through the entire process.  Many times Chantelle is working on their behalf within the hospitals to get them the care they need and deserve as well as using the opportunity the pregnancy provides to get them registered and receive a UNHCR card.  This documentation helps to protect refugees by giving them recognition that they are in need of protection.   Her and her team give out gift bags each time a new mom has her baby and help to cover the cost of hospital expenses.  Each year at Christmas time we fundraise for this specific ministry. 

Paul and Chantelle serve in many other capacities as needs arise.  We are so proud of the work they do and so honored to partner with them.

The Polischuks


Darren and Minako serve in Cambodia. They seek to provide dignified work to the most impoverished, all while boldly sharing the good news of Jesus Christ!  They currently run a sewing center which provides work to over 20 women.  God keeps growing and using this ministry in mighty ways.   Every day they start their work day with a devotional time that has brought healing and salvation to those working there.  The orders keep coming and work continues to grow as they seek to glorify God in this ministry. 

Darren works with the men in the community running a fabrication shop and a fish farm.  God continues to provide various forms of work on the fabrication end of things.  The men also start their day with devotions.  Christ is at the center of everything they do.  It is such a privilege to partner with them and witness how God is working in and through them.

For a more comprehensive look at their work please visit their website at

Pastor Justine


Pastor Justine is our ministry partner in Uganda. Justine and his wife, Jane, faithfully and wholeheartedly serve the Lord together all while raising and caring for their 5 children.   He is a hard working pastor, evangelist and farmer, whose heart is to see communities transformed and to bear lasting fruit for God’s kingdom.   His mission and purpose is converting, transforming and maturing Christians for the worship of God.   He does this through a wide range of ministries and church activities.  

His largest reaching project is a radio ministry that broadcasts the Gospel to a wide reaching audience. During every radio program more than 20 callers give testimonies of what Christ is doing in their lives, including healing.  The ministry helps combat the false teachings that is so prevalent in Africa.  They get to hear the truth about Jesus Christ.  Through the ministry, Pastor Justin and the Pentecostal church he is connected with are reaching some of the Arabic countries, such as, Saudi Arabia, Kaata, Iraq, Sudan, Dubai and others. Pastor Justine has reached many people by regularly hosting gospel crusades where they hear about Jesus. Many have received him as Lord as a result.  His ministry has an intentional focus on discipling new believers through foundation Bible study classes and through cell fellowships.  The cell fellowships run many times throughout the week and, from this, believers are able to be mentored and grow spiritually. He is also very intentional about raising up new leaders and equipping leaders to do the work of the ministry.

Our partnership started with him at the beginning of his radio ministry.  Since then his ministry has grown from 2 to 10 churches, with 13 pastors serving with him.  We have had many exciting opportunities in which we have been able to financially support his ministry and see God grow his Kingdom.  From helping to fund the building of a church building and baptism tank to providing emergency funds to help with emergency humanitarian situations as they arise.  We continue to support his radio ministry and his crusades on an ongoing basis.

Pastor Justine is constantly surrounded with extremely challenging circumstances and situations, but through it all he remains focused on spreading the love and truth of Jesus.  It is an honor to be able to partner with him and see how God is continuously working in and through him. 



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