Hi there, friends,
I hope you have been having a great week. I have been to the chiropractor a couple of times and my back is slowly starting to feel better. Ugh, these mortal bodies. They are a gift from God, but I can’t wait to get our new bodies when we enter eternal life.
Jennifer and I celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary this week. I feel so fortunate to have been able to go through this life with her. We have had many adventures. We have had countless wonderful moments together as well as some very challenging times. But we have grown deeper in love through it all, thanks to the grace and kindness of God.
Just because a couple has been together for 36 years doesn’t mean that they will necessarily be close to each other. It takes work and commitment, investment and time. That’s because it is a relationship and relationships are dynamic; you get out of them what you put into them. But the payoff is way more than price of admission if you are committed to leaning into the relationship.
This is how it is with our relationship with Jesus, too. It, also, is dynamic. Fortunately, Christ is fully committed to the relationship. He is always investing 100% of His love and attention on us. It really comes down to how much we are investing in Him.
Are we spending time with Him?
Are we interested in Him and the things He is interested in?
Are we talking with Him and listening to Him?
Are we learning as much as we can about Him?
When we do that, we will grow in our love for Him because we will more deeply understand His vast love for us. And, as in a marriage relationship, the payoff is so much more than the cost.
You are deeply loved, my friends. The Creator of the universe has His mind on you. He wants to say things to you that only He can say; you won’t hear these things anywhere else. These are things that will bring you life. They will bring you joy. They will bring you purpose.
Don’t miss out on the greatest relationship of your life.
I am hoping for many more years with my lovely Jennifer. But I am hoping for an eternity of relationship with Jesus. I am a very fortunate man.
This weekend, we will be looking at the second in our series entitles “One On One”. The character I will be teaching on this week is Nicodemus. You can find his story in John 3 (along with what is likely the most well-known verse of the Bible).
I hope you have a great weekend, and we will see you on Sunday.
I love being your pastor.
Pastor Tim